Wednesday, March 30, 2011

iphone 5 delay? or is it?

Since Apple has not formerly announced a release date for iPhone 5, we technically can't say it's going to be delayed. But, there does seem to be good reasoning to this. The original rumors was Apple was planning a summer release of 2011. Since then, a couple of people began to speculate Apple's iOS "preview" at June's WWDC, and resulting in a wide spread of news that iPhone 5 won't be released till end of 2011 now. For sure, we can not assume iOS 5 will release with iPhone5 despite previous situations, excluding the iPad and iPod's. In addition, Apple has stated they were planning to release the white iPhone in the Spring, and with the release of the Verizon iPhone finally being released, customers are hesitant to think about locking into a provider. Though if we do see an iPhone5, in my opinion it won't be that dramatic of a change, much like the transition between 3g to 3gs or ipad to ipad2. All in all, only time will tell.

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