Sunday, March 6, 2011

BBM on android and iphone

RIM is highly considering porting BBM to other platforms like android, and iphone. RIM seems to be looking at other companies which have developed a similar application to BBM and reaping the rewards. The reason for their choice still seem to be a speculation, but could signal a transition from a hardware company to a software company. Although no pricing is confirmed, a monthly fee seems appropriate, compared to a one time cost for customers. Once BBM is released to other devices, who knows if die hard Blackberry users will still use RIM's devices. Personally, I think this is a good decision from RIM to concentrate on the things their good at, and not try to compete with the top dogs in the hardware department. I can imagine a lot of people have been waiting for this day, and to be in the exclusive club of BBMers, but one things for sure, I won't be jumping on that band wagon.

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