Wednesday, March 30, 2011

iphone 5 delay? or is it?

Since Apple has not formerly announced a release date for iPhone 5, we technically can't say it's going to be delayed. But, there does seem to be good reasoning to this. The original rumors was Apple was planning a summer release of 2011. Since then, a couple of people began to speculate Apple's iOS "preview" at June's WWDC, and resulting in a wide spread of news that iPhone 5 won't be released till end of 2011 now. For sure, we can not assume iOS 5 will release with iPhone5 despite previous situations, excluding the iPad and iPod's. In addition, Apple has stated they were planning to release the white iPhone in the Spring, and with the release of the Verizon iPhone finally being released, customers are hesitant to think about locking into a provider. Though if we do see an iPhone5, in my opinion it won't be that dramatic of a change, much like the transition between 3g to 3gs or ipad to ipad2. All in all, only time will tell.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

LiveProfile dares to try

Looks like another free cross-platform messenger has arose to the BlackBerry Market as of March 26. For those who didn't notice "Kik messengers" short lived appearance on the BlackBerry market before they were sued by RIM, hopefully "LiveProfile" won't suffer the same fate. "LiveProfile" is claiming free membership compared to "WhatsApp" where only the first year is free. In addition, they seem to offer instant real-time chatting, much like Google Wave. One good advantage is it uses push notifications that seems to be helping the battery usage, says some Beta users.

The biggest thing I think they have to overcome is convincing the blinded BBMers out there that this is better than what they are currently using. If "LiveProfile" can succeed to do that without getting sued, they win. I say give it a try, and I'm waiting for the day RIM gets beaten in their own game, which shouldn't be too long ;)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bit Coin?

Imagine cash that doesn't physically exist, but does exist in a virtual world , the internet. You'll be able to buy and sell things, like it was the real thing, and the whole world would use the same currency. Bitcoin is a peer to peer (P2P) virtual currency that has no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transaction. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network. Your computer creates more bitcoins, and anyone can create it. They estimate the total number of coins that can be created will be 21,000,000,000. Some advantages of bitcoins is it's decentralized, anybody can create a limited supply, but it is difficult to create. Money is about trust, and that seems to be a huge factor for the startup currency. But who know's the concept seems to be there, but how secure is it? Will this idea really work, or will it just be phased out?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kinect makes PS3 Move look like a nightmare

Microsoft's Kinect has been out for a while now, and for those with the knowledge have been able to do some pretty interesting things with it. For the most part huge development seems to be taking place, even without an Xbox. For example, developers have created some augmented reality programs, and the ability to capture 3D video on their computers. For the most part, Xbox Kinect was designed for Xbox, but has now been seen running on the PS3. This doesn't look good for PS3's Move that launched just before the Kinect. This mod recognizes gestures taken from the Kinect and interprets them into PS3 buttons. While all of this is still proof of concept, it won't be long till customer's realize why'd they bought a PS3 Move in the first place.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Turn off javascript on your BlackBerry?

RIM has issues, and we all know it. Adding fuel to the fire to Blackberry's incompetent wap browser, a big exploit has surfaced in BlackBerry OS 6. Reported in RIM's browser is a Java Script-related bug that malicious websites could possibly gain access to your data stored on your phone and your memory card. RIM has commented on this issue explaining they haven't seen evidence of anyone exploiting the vulnerability, but are urging people to be safe and disable Javascript on infected devices, or to be safe disable it ahead of time until the issue has been patched.

In my opinion and it still ceases to amaze me, when I ask people, "what's so good about Blackberry's?" Their only response is BBM. BBM is NOT a reason to stay with a platform, especially when Blackberry's rely so heavily on everyone else staying on it too. But, then again people seem to hardly use RIM's browser and most of it's other features because of the lack of usability, so maybe this won't affect that many people. All-in-all, androids got issues, and so does other OS like iOS, symbian, meego, etc, but they do have A LOT of other good features to back it up. Included is more references, and a tutorial on how to be safe. ( Link )

The Atrix has landed

Today Bell releases Motorola's flagship phone, the Motorola Atrix. The Atrix isn't your average phone. It's the first of its kind with a micro-dual core processor to hit the Canadian market. In addition, it supports the 4g network from bell, stating speeds of 14.4Mbps. For enthusiasts like me, I would have been willing to wait in line for it today, but there are some drawbacks which led me to purchase it's competitors the HTC Desire HD. The biggest upset for me is the Moto Blur. Having an HTC Desire HD allows me to not only root the phone, but install a custom light weight firmware. Compared to the Atrix, installing custom roms looks to be in a distant future with no one knowing how compatible it will be with the attachments (ex. Laptop ). Furthermore, the build quality doesn't seem up to par. There's no metal bits, just a lot of plastic which makes it feel cheap, but factoring in the performance and other excellent features puts it back into the competition.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pi- DAY!

Today marks another March 14, or as some people know it as π(Pi) day. Today (3.14.11) marks another year for the mathematical constant because March (3) and the day (14) represent the 3 most significant figures of Pi. How does one celebrate Pi day? Some bake pies, or measure circumferences, wear a Pi shirt, etc. Whatever it is, we should recognize the power of Pi.

iPad 2 Jailbroken!

Some users use Apple products as they were intended to be used, others like to use it the way they want it to work. For the iPad 2, it didn't take long for it to be jailbroken. Having an Apple device that's jailbroken means that they'll be able to install 3rd party apps, and basically have root access to the deveice. Apple continues its battle against hackers like Comex to stop this from happening, but only 3 days after it's release (March 11.2011), Comex seems to have done it again. Comex hasn't released the jailbreak to userland yet, but people can expect it soon.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

PS3 to the Cloud

A new update is available for Sony PS3 version 3.60. Along with the increased security to stop possible jailbreakers and exploits, Sony has included online storage for saved games. With a subscription to Playstation Plus, Sony will allocate 150mb to its cloud for you to use. This will be a great feature, especially those who move about, and can take their games to another PS3. By having all your saved games in the cloud, you can take the game to another PS3 console, input your PSN account and have access to all your saved games. In addition, the trial between David and Goliath, or GeoHotz vs Sony doesn't seem to be looking too good. The court has allowed Sony to have records of past visitors of his site since 2009. This means that Sony has everyone's IP's that visited GeoHot's site, and who knows what they plan to do with it. The thing to realize is if Sony wins the case, GeoHotz won't be the only one in hot water.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

BBM on android and iphone

RIM is highly considering porting BBM to other platforms like android, and iphone. RIM seems to be looking at other companies which have developed a similar application to BBM and reaping the rewards. The reason for their choice still seem to be a speculation, but could signal a transition from a hardware company to a software company. Although no pricing is confirmed, a monthly fee seems appropriate, compared to a one time cost for customers. Once BBM is released to other devices, who knows if die hard Blackberry users will still use RIM's devices. Personally, I think this is a good decision from RIM to concentrate on the things their good at, and not try to compete with the top dogs in the hardware department. I can imagine a lot of people have been waiting for this day, and to be in the exclusive club of BBMers, but one things for sure, I won't be jumping on that band wagon.

Windows 8 installed in 8 Minutes?

Leaks of the new windows 8 have been showing up on the internet via screen shots. The new windows 8 has some pretty big claims. For example, to be able to revert back to a vanilla install in 2 minutes. For some this is nothing new, but to the average users this means easier methods to restore to a clean snapshot, without the hassle of having to do things like clone your drive. Another claim is that it'll do a clean install in 8 minutes, reports Win7China. How they do this is unclear right now, but I guess we'll have to wait and see as I doubt any more leaks will be put out for a while

Friday, March 4, 2011

Overlooking the truth with all the Hype

So with all the Buzz going around about the iPad 2, we can get caught up with reality. What Do I mean by that?

I mean the iPad 2 will still have to sync with iTunes. The whole point of a tablet is to be standalone, but Apple continues to make such a powerful product be tied down to a computer. In comparison to Android tablets which doesn't necessarily need to be binded to a computer, and other full OS tablets.

Apple is always mysterious, and such a secretive company. With that said, they make there products that way too. How much RAM with the iPad 2 have????? We didn't find out the answer for the first generation iPad's till the release were a complete tear down was done showing 256mb. As good as the processor is, will the iPad 2 even have 1GB of ram like most of the competitors tablets?

Same old screen and battery.....boring.... Where's the retina display that we were hoping for? How many frames per second will we get?

MONO speakers...... what can i say?

In reality, the iPad too looks to be only slightly better, with only a couple of key features. Something to note is all the applications in the APP store to date isn't optimized and won't use the dual core processor to it's full potential. Again.. only time will tell

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rumors Answered

On Wednesday March 3, Apple announced the iPad 2. Steve Jobs made a guest appearance to introduce the next generation of Ipad's. As most people guested, the iPad 2 will feature a front and back camera. In addition, it's much thinner then the original iPad and comes in your choice of white or black. A feature they kept is the use of a home button, which was rumored to be removed. The price remains the same as when the first generation iPads were released along with the storage space sizes (16,32,64 gb). The biggest change is the processor now sporting the new A5 1GHZ dual-core micro processor instead of the single-core A4 on the old iPad. Ipad 2 will support 850, 900, 1800,1900 bands on GSM/Edge and will also have a Verizon model for the CDMA. The screen remains the same, along with the use of the same battery. Overall sounds like a good product, but will wait and see how it matches up with the other dual core tablets.