Friday, April 8, 2011

Jailbreaking a career?

Jailbreaking is legal for about a year now, allowing people to install third-party apps onto their phone. For the tech savvy people, you can see their craigslist adds stating they can jailbreak your phone today offering up a service so that you can install third party apps. These people using tools like RedSn0w, limera1n, sn0wbreeze are earning a hefty salary jailbreaking 30-40 phones a day, which takes less than 5 minutes. Personally, I don't see Apple being unable to stop this from happening unless they can fully close up all the holes so that people can't exploit iOS. This begs the questions, how long will they be able to do this for and is it worth quitting your day job?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


"Anonymous" has declared an attack on Sony with the current situation with the fight between Geohot vs Sony. If people are experiencing slow downs to Sony's network this is because they are caught in a battle where "Anonymous" are making Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on Sony's Network. "Anonymous's" claims Sony (a greedy company) has denied access to the free flow of information. Sony has admitted to being able to view other people's ip addresses and will pursue everyone who visited Geohot's website. "Anonymous" finds this abusive to Sony's customers unbearable because people should have the right to install third party applications. They relate the current situation to being like buying a new computer and being punished for removing programs from it. "Anonymous" plans to stop the attacks until they are satisfied with Sony's actions.

Anonymous Style:
Knowledge is free
We are Anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget

Monday, April 4, 2011

iPad 4.3.1 released untethered Jailbreak from redsn0w

Those of you waiting for a 4.3.1 untethered jailbreak, you don't have to wait no longer. The "dev-team" has released their untethered version of redsn0w capable of jailbreaking almost all apple products like iphones, ipods, ipads and apple tv, with the exception to the iPad2. Redsn0w has been released for both Windows and Macs. For those who rely on a carrier unlock should stay far away from redsn0w and the new 4.3.1 firmware. Check out the "dev-teams" website for full details and files needed. It looks like Apple is closing all the holes and making it harder for hackers to find exploits, especially in the iPad2. Hopefully, in the near futurethe iPad2 will become jailbroken so users and install third party applications.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

iphone 5 delay? or is it?

Since Apple has not formerly announced a release date for iPhone 5, we technically can't say it's going to be delayed. But, there does seem to be good reasoning to this. The original rumors was Apple was planning a summer release of 2011. Since then, a couple of people began to speculate Apple's iOS "preview" at June's WWDC, and resulting in a wide spread of news that iPhone 5 won't be released till end of 2011 now. For sure, we can not assume iOS 5 will release with iPhone5 despite previous situations, excluding the iPad and iPod's. In addition, Apple has stated they were planning to release the white iPhone in the Spring, and with the release of the Verizon iPhone finally being released, customers are hesitant to think about locking into a provider. Though if we do see an iPhone5, in my opinion it won't be that dramatic of a change, much like the transition between 3g to 3gs or ipad to ipad2. All in all, only time will tell.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

LiveProfile dares to try

Looks like another free cross-platform messenger has arose to the BlackBerry Market as of March 26. For those who didn't notice "Kik messengers" short lived appearance on the BlackBerry market before they were sued by RIM, hopefully "LiveProfile" won't suffer the same fate. "LiveProfile" is claiming free membership compared to "WhatsApp" where only the first year is free. In addition, they seem to offer instant real-time chatting, much like Google Wave. One good advantage is it uses push notifications that seems to be helping the battery usage, says some Beta users.

The biggest thing I think they have to overcome is convincing the blinded BBMers out there that this is better than what they are currently using. If "LiveProfile" can succeed to do that without getting sued, they win. I say give it a try, and I'm waiting for the day RIM gets beaten in their own game, which shouldn't be too long ;)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bit Coin?

Imagine cash that doesn't physically exist, but does exist in a virtual world , the internet. You'll be able to buy and sell things, like it was the real thing, and the whole world would use the same currency. Bitcoin is a peer to peer (P2P) virtual currency that has no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transaction. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network. Your computer creates more bitcoins, and anyone can create it. They estimate the total number of coins that can be created will be 21,000,000,000. Some advantages of bitcoins is it's decentralized, anybody can create a limited supply, but it is difficult to create. Money is about trust, and that seems to be a huge factor for the startup currency. But who know's the concept seems to be there, but how secure is it? Will this idea really work, or will it just be phased out?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kinect makes PS3 Move look like a nightmare

Microsoft's Kinect has been out for a while now, and for those with the knowledge have been able to do some pretty interesting things with it. For the most part huge development seems to be taking place, even without an Xbox. For example, developers have created some augmented reality programs, and the ability to capture 3D video on their computers. For the most part, Xbox Kinect was designed for Xbox, but has now been seen running on the PS3. This doesn't look good for PS3's Move that launched just before the Kinect. This mod recognizes gestures taken from the Kinect and interprets them into PS3 buttons. While all of this is still proof of concept, it won't be long till customer's realize why'd they bought a PS3 Move in the first place.