Tuesday, April 5, 2011


"Anonymous" has declared an attack on Sony with the current situation with the fight between Geohot vs Sony. If people are experiencing slow downs to Sony's network this is because they are caught in a battle where "Anonymous" are making Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on Sony's Network. "Anonymous's" claims Sony (a greedy company) has denied access to the free flow of information. Sony has admitted to being able to view other people's ip addresses and will pursue everyone who visited Geohot's website. "Anonymous" finds this abusive to Sony's customers unbearable because people should have the right to install third party applications. They relate the current situation to being like buying a new computer and being punished for removing programs from it. "Anonymous" plans to stop the attacks until they are satisfied with Sony's actions.

Anonymous Style:
Knowledge is free
We are Anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget

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