Sunday, February 20, 2011

Humans Vs Computer

Computers built by the brightest people have been able to challenge the best at their own game. Take for example chess. IBM has developed Deep Blue, one of the pioneering chess super computers that beat raining chess champion Garry Kasparov. Now IBM has developed Watson, a super computer designed to answer questions in natural language. IBM tested Watson's abilities against the best on the popular game show Jeopardy, and won. Watson was not connected to the internet, but was built together with 90 IBM power 750 servers. An avatar was used on the game show, but the actual computers were in a different room in IBM's research facilities. It is amazing how far technology has come and looking into the future how this will help many people. For example, doctors who need to diagnose a patient. When faced with so much data in the world today, how can we store all that in our heads and recall it fast enough. This brings me to wonder with the increased amount of data in the world, will we be able to house it all and differentiate the useful data from the data that will mislead our judgment

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