Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's the simple things that google does

Google has done it again. Unlike every other companys, google has the luxury to fund development for ridiculous new ideas whether they're good or bad. If the product fails it won't cause the company too much grief. With that said google has been flourishing with the development of mobile apps. One example is they have made google maps a breeze to use, coupled next to google navigation makes the perfect match. In addition, they have made google documents a real easy experience on mobile devices. Enough about the old stuff, Google has added another feature for mobile phones. It's small, but it made me realize how much we rely on google and use it everday. So, if you search "weather"on on your mobile device you'll get a whole weeks weather report without ever visiting a site. It's small things like this that I appreciate. Not only that, but they make it look so appealing like it was an actual app. So far, it seems to only work for iphone and android devices. For blackberrys, it's been required that they can't see the slider, which makes this such a unique experience. Overall this feature is pretty handy and something I would recommended. What will google come up with next? BTW I did this whole blog on my android device, that adds another thing for google. Link for
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