Friday, January 28, 2011

YouTube Easter Egg

SO. I was randomly on youTube minding my own business, listening to David Guetta and then the video had to load. Being a fidgety person that I am I decided to press the arrow keys repeatedly (it's what I do, blame First person shooter games like CS...). Next thing you know I'm playing snake on youTube. Just thought you guys would be interested in case you get bored in class or anything.

So, here's how to reproduce it:
-make sure the focus is on the youTube Video. ( A way to make sure is to just pause and resume the video)
-press the left arrow, hold it, then press the up arrow.
-might take a couple of tries, here's what you should see (screen shot). Enjoy Snake...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's the simple things that google does

Google has done it again. Unlike every other companys, google has the luxury to fund development for ridiculous new ideas whether they're good or bad. If the product fails it won't cause the company too much grief. With that said google has been flourishing with the development of mobile apps. One example is they have made google maps a breeze to use, coupled next to google navigation makes the perfect match. In addition, they have made google documents a real easy experience on mobile devices. Enough about the old stuff, Google has added another feature for mobile phones. It's small, but it made me realize how much we rely on google and use it everday. So, if you search "weather"on on your mobile device you'll get a whole weeks weather report without ever visiting a site. It's small things like this that I appreciate. Not only that, but they make it look so appealing like it was an actual app. So far, it seems to only work for iphone and android devices. For blackberrys, it's been required that they can't see the slider, which makes this such a unique experience. Overall this feature is pretty handy and something I would recommended. What will google come up with next? BTW I did this whole blog on my android device, that adds another thing for google. Link for
More information:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Technology more closely Integrated in your Home

U-socket, is an interesting new gadget I found while browsing around the internet that caught my eye. The people at FastMac have turned your regular wall outet to one that can charge USB devices. This socket outputs, DC 5.0V 2100 mA (2.1amps), which suprisingly charges most MP3's, ipod's/iphone's, PDA's, and many more ranging from USB 1.0-3.0. Unfortunatley, what stopped me from trying this product out, is it can't charge iPad's because it can't output enough power, which is a major downside. But, besides the point, U-socket seems like an overall good prodcut and could pave the way for the future.

This brings me to the main reason I've decided to post about this product. Gadgets now a days seem more dependent on being charged through a USB. Companies can reduce the number of wires and can use a USB wire and an adapter to convert to a wall charger. With the U-socket, device users' are less inclined to rely on turing on their computres in-order to charge their devices. Will we soon find our homes have built-in dedicated USB outlets? Will we soon see all products not require the need of a wall-outlet?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lady Gaga broadens her Art to Technology

Lady Gaga is known for her unique artistic style, and has now combined her art with technology. Lady Gaga helped design 3D glasses by Polaroid that allows users to instantly take photos with a built-in camera and display them on the glasses'. The glasses' is made from LCD screens, that allows other to see.

A segway into another related topic is the product, "Eye-Fi", which isn't your ordinary Memory card. This memory card has built-in wifi capabilities which makes it really easy for people to upload their photos. No more cables needed, because "Eye-Fi" automatically uploads your photos to your computer. In addition, "Eye-Fi" also has the capabilities to automatically upload pictures to Social Networking sites, like Facebook, mobileMe, Photobucket, and many more.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

CES 2011/First Post of the New Year

What better way to start off my blog then to talk about CES 2011. A New Year marks new gadgets, new technology and innovations. As some of you know, CES 2011 was on January 6-9, and for those who don't know what that means, it's time to show off new gadgets. Companies bring there latest toys they've been working on and give a taste of what to look for within the year.

Some general categories to definitely watch out for is the tablet industry. Tablets are becoming more and more popular. This year there are sure to be competitors to compete against the most raved tablet to date, the Apple Ipad. With android making a huge name for itself, we are sure to see a tablet from them (Honeycomb OS) and from RIM, "The Playbook". Is touch in?

In addition, to new cell phones with dual core mobile processors, compared to current mobile processors like, the"Snapdragon ", the "Hummingbird", "Apple A4", and many more. More power means more information. Will the 4g network be enough? Will we no longer require to pay for Cable internet providers, when we can just pay for a wireless data plan?

Also be on a watch for the TV industry. Will Netflix, Hulu and any other 3rd party online streaming company cause a disturbance to cable networks providers? Companies like Apple, Sony, and Google are encouraging this new style of viewing shows. Purchasing only what you watch to save you money, for example, Apple TV, Google TV. Also be on the look out for applications on your TV, like your mobile device.

All will be answered hopefully this year.